GSSSB Head Clerk Exam Date 2017
Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GSSSB) published syllabus & exam date notification for Head Clerk / Social Welfare Inspector (Class-3) Examination, 2017. This exam will be held on April, 2017 at various center in Gujarat. You can view Exam date for above said posts by following link. You can view official advertisement & syllabus by following link.
Details of Posts:
- Advertisement No.: 118/2016-17
- Name of Post: Head Clerk / Social Welfare Inspector
- Probable Exam date: 30/04/2017
GSSSB Head Clerk / Social Welfare Inspector Syllabus & Exam date
- View Exam date & Syllabus notification: Click here
- View Official advertisement: Click here
GSSSB Head Clerk / Social Welfare Inspector Syllabus 2017
- Part - I (Written OMR Based Exam - Total Marks: 200 Marks | Total Time: 120 Minute)
- General Knowledge (History of Gujarat, Geography of Gujarat, Art and Culture, Constitution of India, General Science, Current Affairs of India and Gujarat, Basic Knowledge of Computer, Environment, Public Administration, Government schemes, Panchayati Raj and Disaster Management): 80 Marks
- Gujarati Grammar and Literature: 50 Marks
- English Grammar: 40 Marks
- Quantitative Aptitude and Test of Reasoning: 30 Marks
- Note for Part - 1:
- The objective type written test shall consists of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)and O.M.R (Optical Mark Reader) system.
- Every question shall be of 1 Mark.
- The candidate shall have to attempt all questions.
- Every un-attempted question and Every attempted question with incorrect answer/multiple answer/over writing answer shall carry a negative mark of 0.25.
- In every question there shall be one option of “Not Attempted”. If the candidate does not intend to answer, he may select this option. If the candidate selects this option, the negative marks shall not be given.
- Part - II (Computer Proficiency Test - Total Marks: 100 Marks | Total Time: 1 Hour & 30 Minute)
- Gujarati Typing Test: 30 Marks
- English Typing Test: 20 Marks
- Preparing a note in word file (English and Gujarati): 10 Marks
- Preparing a Power Point Slide for presentation based on data provided: 15 Marks
- Preparing an Excel spreadsheet and answering an arithmetic problem.: 15 Marks.
- Email (with attachments): 10 Marks
- Note for Part - 2: Computer practical test with reference to the basic knowledge of computer applications as prescribed in Part III: 50 Marks