Requirment in Neyveli Lignite Corporation
Total No. of Posts:- 350 Posts
Last Date:- 15-09-2015
Name of Posts:-
1. Fitter: 52
2. Turner: 22
3. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle): 62
4. Electrician: 61
5. Wireman: 45
6. Mechanic (Diesel): 11
7. Mechanic (Tractor): 10
8. Plumber: 8
9. Carpenter: 7
10. Welder: 44
11. PASAA: 11
12. Medical Lab Technician: 17 Posts
Qualification:- 10th +ITI / 12th Passed & Equivalent
How To Apply :- Candidates have to submit the dully filled application form online through their official website www.nlcindia.com on or before 15th September 2015. You can also apply from the given link below.
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