Requirment in Gujarat Public Service Commission
Total No. of Posts:- 504 Posts
Last Date:- 31-08-2015
Name And No. of Posts -
1. Physician-184
2. Pediatrician-146
3. Clinical pscychoologists-28
4. ENT-25
5. Designated officers-23
6. Microbiologist-22
7. Lecturer on selection scale-13
8. Lecturer on senior scale-10
9. Assistant directors-8
10. Principal For Gujarat nursing service-8
11. Deputy director in Gujarati statistical services-6
12. Lawofficer-1
13. Assistant directors in nursing-1 posts
Qualification:- Bachelor Degree in achelor Degree (Medicine / Surgery /law / food / diary / bio/oil technology / veterinary sciences / biochemistry / microbiology) / Post Graduate Degree In (Chemistry / Statistics / Applied mathematics / economics / statistics / business economics / econometrics / mathematics & Equivalent
Age Limit:- 40 Years
How To Apply - All Eligible and Interested candidates may fill the online application through official website http://ojas1.guj.nic.in before or on 31-08-2015.
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