Sunday, 14 June 2015

Candidates should have been declared qualified at the Online CWE for RRBs conducted by IBPS during September/ October 2014, For more details Visit IBPS’s website
Job Category
Last Date
Job Type
Government jobs
Total no of Vacancies: 476
1. Officer Scale-III: 10
2. Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer): 43
3. Officer Scale-II (IT): 10
4. Officer Scale-II (CA): 01
5. Officer Scale-II (Law): 01
6. Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager): 01
7. Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer): 06
8. Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer): 10
9. Officer Scale-I: 214
10. Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 180

Selection Process:
Candidates will be selected basis on performance in RRBs CWE-III conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 and Personal Interview.

How to Apply others
Interested and eligible candidates can apply online through bank's website on or before 17-06-2015, After applying online candidates should take printout of online application for future use.

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