Sunday, 28 June 2015

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Recruitment 2015 -Research Associate – 24,000 Salary – M.Sc


1)Master’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering / Civil Engineering/ Geography with specialization in Hydrology/ Water Management / Soil & Water Engineering/ Irrigation & Drainage Engineering/ Remote Sensing and GIS application and other allied disciplines.

2) At least 2 years’ experience in remote sensing and GIS application in hydrological modelling/water management.

Emoluments: Rs. 23000/ +HRA per month for Master’s Degree holders as applicable. Rs. 24000/ +HRA per month for Doctoral Degree holders as applicable.

Age Limit: Upper age limit is 40 years for men and 45 years for women candidates
Indian Council of Agricultural Research Natural Resource Management Division, KAB-II, Pusa NEW DELHI -110012
Job Category
 Research Associate
Last Date
Walk in date for this job : 14/7/2015
Job Type
 Agricultural Research
01 Post

How to Apply others

Eligible candidates need not to apply online for this Research Associate. Walk in Interview will be held on 14/7/2015 at 10.00 A.M. Find more information about the vacancy like Age limit, Selection Process, Qualification, Application fee, How to apply etc can be found below

Selection Procedure for Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) – Research Associate Post:
  1. Written Test on 14/7/2015.
  2. Shortlisted candidates will undertake face to face interview.
  3. Dates are yet to be announced for the final selection
  4. Walkin Procedure for Research Associate vacancy in Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR):
  5. “No Objection Certificate” from the employer, in case the candidate is in employment anywhere, is to be submitted by him/her.
  6. Experience certificate, if any, is to be submitted.
  7. The above positions are purely temporary and will be filled up on contract basis. The service of the appointed candidate will be terminated automatically after the expiry of the project or on completion of the period of appointment indicated in the offer, whichever is earlier and the candidate will not have any legal right, whatsoever, for further absorption/re-employment in concerned project/ICAR.
  8. Initial offer will be for a period upto 31-03-2016 for “NICRA” project. However, the period may be further extended in appropriate spells.
  9. No TA/DA will be paid to candidates for attending the interview, test etc.
  10. The leave and other benefits will be as per existing norms for the RA/SRFs of the ICAR
  11. The decision of the competent authority/Principal Investigator will be final and binding in all respects.
  12. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and possessing of same does not entitle a candidate for selection. Wherever a large numbers of applications are received, the board has right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
  13. No interim enquires will be entertained. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the post.
  14. The candidates must bring with them all the original certificates for verifications. They should submit a brief bio-data (along with the attested photocopies of testimonials/ certificates) at the time of in the enclosed format.

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