Friday, 12 June 2015

1. Territorial Army Officers
Qualifications: Candidates should have Bachelor Degree or equivalent qualification from a recognized university.

No of Post: Not Specified.
Age Limit: 18 to 42 Years (Age as on 30.06.2015)
Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100/- Plus Grade Pay 5400/- Per Month.

Application Fee: Candidates need to pay pay a non refundable Demand Draft of any Nationalized Bank for Rs 200/- payable at New Delhi in favour of the “Director General Armed Forces Medical Services (APF Fund).

Selection Procedure: Selection will be done on the basis of candidates’ performance in the written Test and Personal Interview.

Apply Mode: Postal

Important Date :
Submission Of Application Last Date: 30.06.2015

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible Candidates should send their Applications in the prescribed format along with all required document stamped envelope of 28 x12 cms size, two passport size photographs and postal stamps worth Rs.27/- affixed on envelope (No other cost for submission) send to the respective TA Group Headquarters as per official Notification on or before 30.06.2015.

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